Make it your own
Starting from just €33 a day
Do you have the knowledge, but lack the time to meal prep? Don’t have a food plan yet?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you sorted. Our professional chef, together with the help of our certified dietitian, will create the perfect plan, tailored just for you, depending on your preferred goals and desired protein, fats and carb intake.
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Whether you are an athlete who requires a personal diet plan that goes together with your training, perhaps looking to lose stubborn fat or gain muscle and know exactly what you need to be eating to maintain your goals – our Personalised Plan is your ideal long-term solution.
Whatever your objective is, we strongly believe that consuming the right food is crucial and secondly, being able to enjoy your nutrition is just as important. That, and the advantage of hassle-free, no cooking meals, is why you should choose Fortify Meals!
Be in control of your calorie intake and choose your preferred ingredients and macro count from the below:
- 1,000 – 1,500 kcal at €33 per day*
- 1,500 – 2,000 kcal at €40 per day*
- 2,000 – 2,500 kcal at €45 per day*
Design and upload the meal plan you have always dreamt of having and we will accommodate your needs with our Fortified taste!
For any further clarification, contact us via email or call today.
*The Personalised Meal Plan comes at a minimum commitment of four weeks.